[root@SAKURA_VPS postfix]# cd /etc/postfix
[root@SAKURA_VPS postfix]# vi main.cf
~ 省略 ~
# The mydomain parameter specifies the local internet domain name.
# The default is to use $myhostname minus the first component.
# $mydomain is used as a default value for many other configuration
# parameters.
#mydomain = domain.tld mydomain = prog.xxxxxx.com ← ここに自分のドメインを設定します。
~ 省略 ~
# The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface
# addresses that this mail system receives mail on. By default,
# the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The
# parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].
# See also the proxy_interfaces parameter, for network addresses that
# are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator.
# Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes.
#inet_interfaces = all
#inet_interfaces = $myhostname
#inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost #inet_interfaces = localhost ← 「inet_interfaces = localhost」をコメントアウトします。 inet_interfaces = all ← 追加します。
~ 省略 ~
# The mydestination parameter specifies the list of domains that this
# machine considers itself the final destination for.
# These domains are routed to the delivery agent specified with the
# local_transport parameter setting. By default, that is the UNIX
# compatible delivery agent that lookups all recipients in /etc/passwd
# and /etc/aliases or their equivalent.
# The default is $myhostname + localhost.$mydomain. On a mail domain
# gateway, you should also include $mydomain.
# Do not specify the names of virtual domains – those domains are
# specified elsewhere (see VIRTUAL_README).
# Do not specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX
# host for. Specify those names via the relay_domains settings for
# the SMTP server, or use permit_mx_backup if you are lazy (see
# The local machine is always the final destination for mail addressed
# to user@[the.net.work.address] of an interface that the mail system
# receives mail on (see the inet_interfaces parameter).
# Specify a list of host or domain names, /file/name or type:table
# patterns, separated by commas and/or whitespace. A /file/name
# pattern is replaced by its contents; a type:table is matched when
# a name matches a lookup key (the right-hand side is ignored).
# Continue long lines by starting the next line with whitespace.
# The home_mailbox parameter specifies the optional pathname of a
# mailbox file relative to a user’s home directory. The default
# mailbox file is /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user. Specify
# “Maildir/” for qmail-style delivery (the / is required).
#home_mailbox = Mailbox home_mailbox = Maildir/ ← 今回は Maildir 形式にします。
# The mail_spool_directory parameter specifies the directory where
# UNIX-style mailboxes are kept. The default setting depends on the
# system type.
#mail_spool_directory = /var/mail
#mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail
# Location for users’ mailboxes. The default is empty, which means that Dovecot
# tries to find the mailboxes automatically. This won’t work if the user
# doesn’t yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell Dovecot the full
# location.
# If you’re using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (eg. /var/mail/%u)
# isn’t enough. You’ll also need to tell Dovecot where the other mailboxes are
# kept. This is called the “root mail directory”, and it must be the first
# path given in the mail_location setting.
# There are a few special variables you can use, eg.:
# %u – username
# %n – user part in user@domain, same as %u if there’s no domain
# %d – domain part in user@domain, empty if there’s no domain
# %h – home directory
# See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for full list. Some examples:
# mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
# mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
# mail_location = mbox:/var/mail/%d/%1n/%n:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%1n/%n
# <doc/wiki/MailLocation.txt>
#mail_location = mail_location = mailder:~/Maildir
Dovecot の自動起動設定と起動
設定が完了したら Dovecot の自動起動の設定と起動をします。
[root@SAKURA_VPS conf.d]# systemctl enable dovecot.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dovecot.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service.
[root@SAKURA_VPS conf.d]# systemctl start dovecot.service
[root@SAKURA_VPS conf.d]# systemctl status dovecot.service ● dovecot.service – Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since 日 2017-12-10 08:00:45 JST; 4s ago
Process: 26673 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/dovecot/prestartscript (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 26683 (dovecot)
CGroup: /system.slice/dovecot.service
tq26683 /usr/sbin/dovecot -F
tq26691 dovecot/anvil
tq26692 dovecot/log
mq26694 dovecot/config
12月 10 08:00:45 xxxx.vs.sakura.ne.jp systemd[1]: Starting Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server…
12月 10 08:00:45 xxxx.vs.sakura.ne.jp systemd[1]: Started Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server.
12月 10 08:00:45 xxxx.vs.sakura.ne.jp dovecot[26683]: master: Dovecot v2.2.10 starting up …)
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
[root@SAKURA_VPS conf.d]#
From xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com Sun Dec 10 10:18:56 2017
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